“My life was a mess… now I have the tools to deal with life’s problems without resorting to drugs.”
I started going to church as a kid because my mum had become a Christian. I believed in God but found it hard to follow a Christian lifestyle. As I grew older, I started getting involved in things I shouldn’t have done and I became addicted to drugs, alcohol and gambling. My life was a mess.
But then a number of years ago I decided I needed to sort my life out. I started going to NA – a 12 step recovery programme for addicts. NA helped me to realise that I was powerless to sort out my addictions by myself, and that only a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity. I realised that Jesus was that higher power so I made a decision to turn my life over to him.
Since then my life has changed 100%. It’s not perfect, but it is so much better than it was. Now I have the tools to deal with life’s problems without resorting to drugs, alcohol or gambling.
I love being part of St John’s. It’s my family.